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Monday, May 24, 2010

Example Analitycal Text 3

The Problem Of Being Too Fat

Being too fat is commonly known as overweight or obesity. It is simply defined as too much body fat inside. Overweight potentially leads high risk of health problem.

Being too fat is recognized as a major factor for heart disease. Due to the overweight, the heart will work harder. It can lead to the heart attack.Furthermore, obesity potentially rises blood cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, being too fat can change the amount of sugar in the blood. This will cause diabetes and other serous disease.

Beside all of that, being too fat is often avoided by many young women. They said that becoming too fat will bother their physical beauty appearance.

More serious studies is necessary to see the effect of obesity. However it is clear enough that overweight is not good enough for healthy life.

Example Expalanation Text 5

How An Earthquake Happens?

Earthquake is one of the most destroying natural disasters. Unluckily it often happens in several regions. Recently a horrible earthquake has shaken West Sumatra. It has brought great damages. Why did it occur? Do you know how an earthquake happens?

Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves. It make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don't just slide smoothly. The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure that's built up. When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.

During the earthquake and afterward, the plates or blocks of rock start moving, and they continue to move until they get stuck again. The spot underground where the rock breaks is called the focus of the earthquake. The place right above the focus is called the epicenter of the earthquake.

Example Expalanation Text 5

How An Earthquake Happens?

Earthquake is one of the most destroying natural disasters. Unluckily it often happens in several regions. Recently a horrible earthquake has shaken West Sumatra. It has brought great damages. Why did it occur? Do you know how an earthquake happens?

Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves. It make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don't just slide smoothly. The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure that's built up. When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.

During the earthquake and afterward, the plates or blocks of rock start moving, and they continue to move until they get stuck again. The spot underground where the rock breaks is called the focus of the earthquake. The place right above the focus is called the epicenter of the earthquake.

Example Report Text 6


Volcanic eruptions have caused some of the worst disasters in the world. They can wipe out entire cities and kill thousands of people.
The name of volcano comes from Roman term. It derives from VULCAN which is the name of Roman fire god. Romans believed that Vulcan lived on a volcanic Italian coast. Romans called the island VULCANO.

According to scientists, volcanic eruptions are divided in to four basic groups. They are commonly known as Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian and Peleean. The term of Hawaiian eruptions are named after the volcanoes in Hawaii. These volcanic eruptions are the least violent type. They produce highly fluid lava which flows quietly. This gradually builds up a shield volcano.

Strombolian eruptions are named after Stromboli. These result from the constant release of gas from the magma. As the gas escapes, it produces tephra that piles up, turning into a cinder cone. Strombolian eruptions happen when sticky magma plugs the central vent. This makes the magmatic gas build up pressure until it blasts. The magma is turned into volcanic dust and bombs.

Vulcanian eruption which comes from the ancient Roman belief, are more violent than the strombolian eruption. Vulcanian eruption happens and brings magma which is more viscous. Vulcanian explosions are usually larger and noisier than the Strombolian eruptions.

Paleean eruptions are famous as the most violent kind of volcanic eruptions. The name of paleean comes from the eruption of Mount Pelee, Martinique in 1902. It killed almost 38 thousands people. A Peleean eruption occurs when the magmatic gas build up tremendous pressure. This causes violent explosions with glowing clouds of hot ash and dust.

Example Report Text 5

Tornadoes are known as one of the most damaging disasters. What is the description of tornadoes? A tornado is a very powerful column of winds which spirals around a center of low atmospheric pressure. A tornado will look like a large black funnel which hangs down from a storm cloud.

The name "tornado" derives from the Latin "tonare". It means "to thunder." While the Spanish developed the word into "tornear" which means "to turn or twist". This is why a tornado is sometimes called twister or cyclone.

The winds inside a twister can spin around at speeds up to 500 miles an hour, but it usually travels at roughly 300 miles an hour. This speed twisting makes a tornado the most dangerous storm.

The average tornado has a diameter of about 200 to 300 yards. The smaller tornadoes are known as satellite tornadoes. These small offspring, about 50 yards across, can be very fierce and do lots of damage.

The forming of a tornado can be very quick. Sometimes it can form in a minute or less. A tornado can travel across the ground at high speeds, then it can suddenly vanish. Most tornadoes last less than twenty minutes and travel less than 15 miles. However, the super storms sometimes travel over 100 miles before they are exhausted.

Example Expalanation Text 4

How Seasons Happened??

Seasons come to us regularly. We have probably noticed that it gets warmer in summer or dry season while it get colder in the winter or wet season. However do we know how these seasons change?

Seasons happen and change every year. This happens because the earth tilts back and forth as it goes around the sun. During the summer, the earth tilts toward the sun. It makes half of the earth hotter. this condition is what we call summer. During the other half of the year, the earth tilts away from the sun. As a result, it makes that half of the earth cooler. This cool condition is then what we call winter.

The different parts of the world have the same season at different times. In the northern half of the world , winter happens during the months of December, January and February. The regions are such North America and Europe. In the other hand, the southern half of the world have winter during the months of June, July and August.The regions are like South America and Australia. How does this difference happen? The same season happens at different times because the top and bottom halves of the earth tilt away from the sun at different times.

Example Analitycal Text 2

Unhealthy Fast Food

Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health?

Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940’s, oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period.

Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food’s low cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original healthy form.

It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues.

So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger and craving.

Example Analitycal Text

Why Is Exercise Important??

The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel too busy to do that. However, many expert said that exercise has great role in making our body healthy

Being physically active offers many advantage. In physical reword, exercise can reduce weight then our body will become fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects mentally. Due to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy then we can increase our life quality and expectancy.

How can we do exercise while we are busy? Such question is commonly found among us. Actually exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go walking while shopping. In the office we can take stair rather than lift to run up and down. Or we can go cycling while enjoy the leisure time.

Over all, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life but the little bit of exercise will help better.

Example Review Text 2


2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days prophecies for their doomsday scenario. It imagines the world coming to an end in 2012.

2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It starts when Cusack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all around him from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake. The preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment malfunction almost threatens the entire mission.

Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the requisite clarity. In 2012 film, Emmerich leaves us befuddled as to exactly what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich' 2012 deserves credit for offbeat casting. Cusack supplies his trademark hangdog charm. McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet's cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the tormented president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Platt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bug-eyed radio prophet trying to warn his listeners about Armageddon.

All in one, 2012's cinematography, production design and visual effects are awards-worthy. Music also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up, Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.

Example Discussion Text 3

Gift cards become more popular during recent years. For example, in one season of holiday, sales reach $19 billion in United Stated and seem to grow more in the following season due to their convenience in the side of consumers and retailers.
In retailers side, gift cards bring them some benefits. Selling gift card in simply selling product. When the cards are sold, they will get benefit. Additionally, gift card tends to be a matter of image and trend which means it is not strictly influenced by the functionality. Since gift card is the trend, the sales will increase significantly.
However, there is potential disadvantages in the side of consumers. For example, itune gift cards apply process in the way of completing the shopping. they need do one step to another steps in processing the shopping. Likely, most of the steps apply time and date of validity or expiration. When certain step loose that validating date, the gift cards may be in risk. The gift card can be rejected to redeem. Again, in retailers side, producing card its self is costly. It means that there is additional cost which retailers have to pay.
In whatever thing, we need to be wise. if we can use that gift card effectively, the disadvantages can be reduced.

Example Explanation Text 3

Cell Phone

A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world. What is a cell phone? A cell phone is actually a radio in certain way. Like a radio, by a cell phone we can communicate to other people in real time. Million people use cell phone for their communication. Even nowadays, people use cell phones to communicate in voice, written and data. Alexander Graham Bell is the person who make great change in the way people communicate to each other. He invented a telephone in 1876. While wireless radio was formally known in 18994 presented by Guglielmo Marconi. By these two technologies, then a cell phone was born. However do you know how actually cell phones work?
This short explanation on how a cell phone work is really wonderful. A cell phone or in long term "cellular telephone' works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular. The towers are networked to a central switching station. The connection usually uses wire, fiber optic-cables, or microwave.
Then the central switching station which handles calls in certain given area is directed connected to the wire-based telephone system. Cellulars are pick up by the towers and relayed to another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based telephone network.
the towers vary in the capacity and capability to receive signals. Some can receive the signal from short distance and the others can receive more distance. However, there are usually more than one tower in certain given area so that the system can handle the increasing telephone traffic.

Example Discussion Text 2

National exam

National exam becomes the hot topic in most of discussions. Though the Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by the go-vernment on the organization of the national exams, the controversy over whether it is necessary to maintain the national exams (UN) has continued. Some debates include the primary questions such as; does the quality of Indonesia education depend on the national exam?, will the quality of the Indonesian education system worsen without natipnal exam?
People, who support the national exam explain that the quality of the Indonesia education system will drop without the national exam, so they try to defend the current system.
Hoever there are people who disagree with the opinion. Those who against this national exam kept in our high school education say that it doesn't need the national exams because the quality of education does not just depend on the national exam. Further, the national exam only measures a small portion of students' competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students' competences throughout the semester.
In fact, the national examination can still be useful as an instrument to evaluate or detect the level of students' cognitive competence in several subjects, on a national scale.

Example Review Text

"I Have A Dream"

Since Westlife release a cover of “I Have A Dream” in December 1991, twenty years after ABBA original release, a group from Irish that formed on early 1997’s, had accepted a Gold Platinum from their song “I Have A Dream”. It had sold six hundred thousand copies only a month after the song released in 1999. And moreover, the song written by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus is become the first number top song list in many song program in United Kingdom
This song that sung by Westlife is similar to ABBA’s sing for example in lyrics and music, there are no difference. But there is one difference in singing “I have A Dream” between ABBA and Westlife. ABBA sing that song just in current pop but in Westlife, they sing it pop remix. However, sometimes they show their appearence in one stage.
If we see the lyric of “I Have A Dream” shows us that author has a dream but he can’t reach it. He is still optimist to reach his dream although he feel difficulty to reach it. So, he put his hope to the angel. He believe that angels can help him to make everything easy to create his dream, likely in a fairy tale.
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
Beside that, the author express his dream in two ways. First, he express his dream in a song. Because he hope that it can help me to cope anything, same with the lyric that writen below
“I have A Dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
And the second way, he express his dream by imagine or make a fantasy. By imagining, he sure that it can help him to through the reality. Moreover, he hope that his dream will be worth. Because of that he still effort to reach his dream although an obstacle will be met by him.
“I have a dream, a fatasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
If we notice the lyric of “I Have A Dream”, lyrics just replayed and we don’t need much time to sing it. But although the lyric is short enough, it still give an enjoyment to listener or whom people listen to this music. And moreover, has made teenager in 2000’s soluble in this song if they listen to this music. In voice side, we can see intelligence of Westlife in sing this song.
In its video clip is very coherence with the song. This video can attrack fans of Westlife. It add enjoyment if we listen “I Have A Dream” while watch the video. In video, it also it also show us there is a poor man who dreams something. He feels difficulty to reach his dream and suddenly he imagine that an angel can help him to create his dream.
Finally, this song is good to give us motivation in order to still struggle to get our destination. It proven with the lyrics that writen above. Beside that the song is legend in our country, because it has good popular about in 2000’s although this is west song not an Indonesian song. And the last word, this song is learn us in order not to break a hope if we have a dream. We have to reach it as posible as we can.

Example Discussion Text

Sealt Belt

Nowdays, the police have been applying the new regulation concerning the use of seat belts. In European Countries, the regulation has been applied for a long time. However, this new regulation has become controversial an is an interesting topic to discuss. Here are some arguments.
The use of seat belts has been proven to reduce the risk injury or death in accidents. Seat belts have become standart components in cars.
The research shows that most car accident will cause any an injury to the head. Frequently, drivers or passengers driving without seat belts die because of this. By wearing seat belts, the injury will will not happen since the seat belts restrain our body in the car seat when an accident happened.
Unfortunetly, many cars, especially, the old ones, don’t have seat belts. This is because the traffic condition in the past were unlike the recent traffic condition. The designers of old cars didn’t consider a seat belts as important part. Besides, the drivers wearing the seat belts will think that they are compltely safe, so may they drive carelessly. They are safe, indeed, but how about the safety of others?
The seat belts is the only one of the ways to reduce the risk of cars accident. It doesn’t mean that we’re completly safe. In short, our safety depend on ourselves.

Example Report Text 4

Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)

An Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is a machine permitting a bank’s customer to make cash withdrawals at any time and without a human teller.
ATMs have a wide variety of names such as: Automatic Teller Machine, Automated Banking Machine, Hole-in the wall, cash dispenser, and some other names.
ATMs allow people to deposit cash or check, check their account balances, transfer money between their bank accounts, and many others.
In modern, ATMs, customer authenticate themselves by using a plastic card with a magnetic stripe. It encodes the customer’s account number. By entering a passcode called a PIN (Personal Identification Number), a customer can make withdrawals. If the customer enters it incorrectly several time in row, most ATMs will retain the card as a security precaution.
Most ATMs are connected to interbank networks. It enables the customers to withdraw in place where their bank has no branches. Beside, it is also possible to withdraw local currency in a foreign country. Most banks change a fee for the use of their ATMs by non-depositors. Nowdays, many banks place ATMs in grocery stores, shopping malls, and others locations.

Example Report Text 3


Television or TV, is one of humanity’s most important means of communication. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes.
People with a television set can sit in their house and watch the president makes a speech or visits a foreign country. They can see a war being fought and they can watch government leaders try to bring about peace. Trough television, viewers at home can see and learn about people, places, and things in far away lands. Television even takes viewers out of this world as the astronauts explore outer space.
In addition to all these things, television brings it viewers a steady stream of programs that are designed to entertain. In fact, TV provides many more entertainment programs than any other kind of information media. The programs include action-packed dramas, light comedies, soap operas, sports events, cartoon, quizzes, variety shows, and motion pictures.
More, than 83 million homes in the United Stated-or 98% of all the country’s homes-have a least one television set in use in each home for about 6 ¾ hours each day. As a result, television has an important influence of how people sped their time, as well as on what they see and learn. After they arrive from work, they usually watch TV. Then, the importance of television is proven.

Example Explanation Text 2

How does Rain Happen?

Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation.
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth's surface water and causing the surface water to evaporate. The water vapor rises into the Earth's atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall to the earth as precipitation which can be in the form of rain or snow.
However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is called virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

Example Report Text 2


An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal which it has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all, elephant has a long nose, the trunk. An elephant is commonly seen in a zoo, it has hard found in it natural habitat.
The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature. This trunk has various usages. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its body like a shower bath. The elephant's trunk also lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant as long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet an elephant can move very quickly.
The elephant is very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes an elephant a very useful servant to man. Elephant can be trained to serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight. An elephant is really a smart animal.

Example Report Text

Mangrove Tree

A mangrove is a tropical marine tree. Mangroves have special aerial roots and salt-filtering tap roots which enable them to thrive in brackish water. Brackish water is salty but not as salty as sea water. Mangrove trees are commonly planted and found in coastal areas. Mangroves can serve as walls of protection for natural disaster in coastal area like tsunami. According to BBC News, healthy mangrove forests had helped save lives in the Asia disaster tsunami and people tended to respect these natural barriers even more, especially after the tsunami.
There are several species of mangrove tree found all over the world. Some prefer more salinity, while others like to be very-close to a large fresh water source such as river. Some prefer areas that are sheltered from waves. Some species have their roots covered with sea water every day during high tide. Other species grow on dry land but are still part of the ecosystem. The Times of India reported that rare species of mangrove had been found and was also known as the looking-glass tree, probably because the leaves are silver-coated.
Mangroves need to keep their trunk and leave above the surface of the water. Yet they also need to be firmly attached to the ground so they are not moved by waves.
Any part of root that appears above the water flows oxygen to the plant under water surface. as the soil begin to build up, these roots procedure additional roots that become embedded in the soil

Example Hortatory Text

How ASEAN Should Face CAFTA

the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) is a win-win situation for ASEAN. It will help speed the recovery of ASEAN from the global recession.
The CAFTA is an important vehicle for trade-led growth and recovery in the ASEAN region with growth of 3.9 percent in 2009 which most likely will increase in 2010.
Furthermore, the launch of a US$10 billion infrastructure investment fund by China to improve roads, railways and airlines and strengthen telecommunication links may help speed the ASEAN recovery.
China has also committed to a $15 billion credit facility to promote regional integration. ASEAN should take advantage of this and not rely completely on the United States. Times are changing and regional groupings like the CAFTA, the SCO, the EU, the NAFTA, etc., are more beneficial than so-called globalization.
One crisis, like the one in the US, has a domino effect to the world economy, whereas one region that falls into a crisis can be rescued by other regions not affected by it. World trade will be more stable under divided regional groupings and still maintain world trade and investments globally.
Last but not the least, in order to take advantage of the CAFTA and make it work, ASEAN should cut down its bureaucratic red tape in its financial and economic sectors to efficiently speed up trade and investment, and do it with transparency.

What Is Hortatory Text??

Hortatory text is one text type of argumentative genres which has function to persuade readers. Since it is one type of argumentative passages, it is very similar to analytical exposition. Both hortatory and analytical exposition state thesis as the introduction. Both present argumentation to support the stated thesis. However hortatory exposition make the argumentation into a higher level. It is closed by certain recommendation and this makes hortatory exposition differ from analytical exposition. Hortatory exposition can be seen in various functional text. It can be formed of sales letter, advertising slogan, speech, or letter to editor.

Example Spoof Text 2

The Spying parrot

A guy was having marital problems. He and the wife were not communicating at all and he had lonesome so he went to a pet store thinking a pet might help.
In the store he came to parrots. As he wandered down the rows of parrots he noticed one with no feet. Surprised he mutters "I wonder how he hangs onto the perch?"
The parrot said "With my prick, you dummy."
The guy was startled and said "You certainly talk well for a parrot."
The parrot said "Of course, I'm very well educated. I can discuss politics, sports, religion, most any subject you wish."
The guy said "Gee, you sound like just what I was looking for."
Then the guy bought the parrot and for three months things go great. When he came home from work the parrot told him about the recent and hottest news.
One day the guy come home from work and the parrot waved a wing at him and said "Come in and shut the door."
The guy said "What's up?"
The parrot said "I don't know how to tell you this, but the mailman came today. I saw that your wife answered the door in her transparent gown and he kissed her right on the lips."
The guy said "He did? Did you see?"
The parrot said " Yes, Then he pulled her gown down... and ....."
"My God, what happened next?"The guy said curiously to know next.
Then the parrot replied "I don't know. I got a hard-on and fell off my perch."

What is Spoof Text??

The spoof text is commonly written in a story. While we are talking about a story, it will be close related to narrative and recount text. What is narrative, what is recount and what is spoof text its self are easily differed from one to other by seeing the generic structure. Spoof, narrative and recount are similar in how they are constructed in the first step. They recount the event and experience which introduce the participant, time and place setting. However in the end of the text, the way they are closed are different from one to other. Narrative will be closed by a resolution which refers to the conflict. Recount will be concluded with a re-orientation. While spoof will end the story with some unpredictable way of plot. That unpredictable way is called twist.

Example Spoof Text

Goat Jumping into Deep Hole

Two men were walking through the woods and come across a very big deep hole. "Wow...that looks deep." One replied,"Sure does... toss a few pebbles in there and we will see how deep this hole is." Then they pick up a few pebbles and throw them in and wait... no noise "Geeez. That is really deep... here.. throw one of these great big rocks down there. Those should make a noise." After that, they pick up a couple football-sized rocks and toss them into the hole and wait... and wait. but no noise they heard.

Wow.. They were really impressed with how deep hole it was. They look at each other in amazement. One gets a determined look on his face and says, "Hey...over here in the weeds, there's a railroad tie. Help me carry it over here. When we toss that sucker in this hole, it's must make some noise."

The two men drag the heavy tie over to the hole and heave it in. But, not a sound comes from the hole. Suddenly, out of the nearby woods, a goat appears, running like the wind. It rushes toward the two men, then right past them, running as fast as its legs will carry it. Suddenly it leaps in the air and into the hole. The goat disappeared into the deep hole.

The two men are astonished with what they've just seen. How could a goat jump into the hole? Then, not long after that, out of the woods comes a farmer. He seemed to seek something and asked to the two men, "Hey two guys... have you seen my goat out here?"

Feeling amazing with what they saw of a goat jumping to the hole, they answer straightly,"You bet we did! Craziest thing I've ever seen! A goat came running like crazy and just jumped into this hole!"

The farmer thought a moment and said, "That could not have been my goat. Because my goat was chained to a railroad tie." Then he left the two men.

Friday, May 21, 2010

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Modal Rp 0 Menghasilkan Rp 222 juta Lebih

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Di internet tidak ada yang tidak mungkin, semuanya mungkin untuk dilakukan. Bahkan berbisnis mencari penghasilan di internet tanpa modal alias FREE, bisa Anda lakukan. Jawabannya ada disini

Saya jelaskan secara singkat program ini. Program ini asli dari Indonesia. Anda tidak perlu membuat blog, disini Anda hanya disuruh untuk mengajak teman, Saudara atau keluarga Anda untuk bergabung ikut program bersama Anda. Ya, minimal ajaklah 10 orang untuk bergabung (lebih banyak lebih bagus), selanjutnya serahkan promosi Anda ke member yang downline dibawah link Anda. Jika Anda mendapat member langsung atau member yang tidak langsung (berada di bawah downline Anda), Anda akan diberi komisi secara cuma-cuma hingga mencapai Rp 222 juta lebih. Mudah bukan!!!! INGAT!!!!Program ini memang benar-benar membayar membernya. Mengapa mereka mau membayar?? Hal ini karena di website mereka terdapat banyak sekali iklan, nah pemasang iklan itulah yang membiayai semua kinerja Jadi jangan ragu-ragu untuk bergabung.

Nah selain itu, jika Anda mengalami kesulitan untuk promosi, Anda tidak perlu berkecil hati. Karena sistem kerja di, mendukung sistem random member (acak member). Jadi, Anda dipastikan mendapat member dari sistem randomize ini. Jika masih kurang puas, ya Anda promosikan link url Anda ke rekan-rekan Anda. Dibawah saya sertakan software yang bisa mempromosikan link url Anda ke seribu lebih pengiklan.

Tertarik???????? Buruan gabung di Jangan sampai lewatkan kesempatan emas ini. Dijamin uang komisi hasil penjaringan akan mengalir ke rekening Bank Anda.Lumayan kan komisinya buat nambahin uang saku Anda........

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Program-Program Pasang Iklan

Anda masih terpaku sama Google Adsense sebagai media penghasil dollar di blog Anda?? Apakah Anda sering di-banned oleh Google Adsense??. Jangan kuwatir, disini saya akan memberikan Anda beberapa referensi Website yang menjadi media Anda dalam memasang iklan di blog Anda. Semua website yang saya sebutkan di bawah ini banyak sekali keuntungannya:
1. Pendaftran gratis, FREE!!
2. Anda tidak perlu buat content Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia pun diterima.
3. Sistem sama dengan Google Adsense, yaitu apabila ada orang yang mengklik iklan Anda, Anda akan dibayar.
4. Dan masih banyak lagi.......

INGAT!!!!Saat daftar, Anda pilih yang PUBLISHER.

Berikut ini Website-website yang terjamin mutu dan kualitasnya:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Surveys Dibayar $6

A.W adalah website yang memberikan layanan survey sebuah website kepada membernya dengan hadiah uang dollar gratis.

Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Survey ini sudah tidak diragukan lagi, telah banyak para Publisher Indonesia yang telah merasakan manfaatnya, telah banyak publisher Indonesia beberapa kali mendapat uang dollar gratis dari A.W Surveys. Kadang kalau kita telaah secara mendalam, kenapa juga para perusahaan mau membayar A.W Surveys hanya untuk men-surveys?

Tapi tidak apalah, yang jelas kita sebagai publisher Indonesia mampu merasakan manfaatnya. Tugas yang diberikan A.W Surveys cukup sederhana, kita hanya cukup melihat dan memperhatikan link-link yang diberikan A.W Surveys untuk kita pelajari sistem kerjanya dan memberikan sedikit saran, kritikan atau masukan terhadap perusahaan tersebut yang kemudian akan disampaikan oleh A.W Surveys, setelah itu kita dapat uang dollar gratis yang masuk dalam account kita. Sederhanakan? Mau coba gabung?Untuk bergabung….dan perlu diingat, ini 100% tanpa biaya alias GRATIS…. :) dan ada uang dollar gratis sebesar $6 jika kamu menjadi member…asikkan!!!!

Anda takut tidak bisa Bahasa INGGRIS???? Jangan takut, Anda akan saya beri beberapa kalimat yang mana Anda bisa gunakan saat surveys
1. I liked this web. Its very convinience for people who want visits this web. It's very comfortable, so for more comfortable, the author of this web must increase the contains of this web. I allways follow you. Thank you.
2. What a beatiful web!! I liked it very much. But there is one aspect which is must be increase. It is the appearence of this web. It is too vulgar to see. It may people feel inconvience who want to see.
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Adapun langkah-langkah mendaftar di A.W Surveys adalah sbb :
1. Siapkan account PayPal atau AlertPay atau Check (bagi yang berdomisili di USA) anda dan email anda, jika belum tahu cara daftar PayPal daftar disini.
2. Kemudian masuklah ke di website A.W Surveys klik disini.
3. Jika sudah masuk di halaman depan A.W Surveys lalu pilih Create A Free Acount.
3. Isilah data-data yang diperlukan seperti username, password dll (ingat isikan dengan identitas yang sebenarnya karena A.W Surveys akan mengkomfimasikan pembayaran melalui identitas yang kamu berikan).
4. Jika sudah selesai Login dengan account yang baru anda buat
5. Lihatlah link dibawah The Following Surveys are Available:
6. Klik link-link tersebut dan anda akan diberikan halaman baru dengan beberapa link
7. Klik link-link tersebut, maka halaman baru akan terbuka.
8. Perhatikan halaman tersebut dan pahami apa maksud website tersebut.
9. Setelah mengerti, kembali ke halaman A.W. Surveys dan berikan kritik atau saran pada kotak yang disediakan. Kalimat kritik bisa Anda gunakan pada kalimat-kalimat yang sudah saya tuliskan. Meskipun jumlah survey banyak, Anda bisa mengulang kalimat-kalimat tersebut pada survey yang lain.
10. Dan booom uang dollar gratis akan masuk dalam account anda, besarnya uang dollar gratis tergantung A.W Surveys tetapi rata-rata berharga $4 - $8 dalam sekali surveys. Mudahkan????
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Tips Meningkatkan Page Rank dan Traffic Blog

Ada banyak cara meningkatkan Page Rank dan Traffic Blog, salah satu program yang banyak di mininati para blogger adalah Dimana fwebtraffic ini, Anda akan dipandu bagaimana untuk meraih 1 Million pengunjung tiap harinya. Hanya dengan bermodal link Anda, web ini akan me-link kan link Anda ke member Berminat????Silahkan daftar, gratis kok!!!. Ikuti petunjuknya dibawah ini.
1. Silahkan click situsnya Get 1 Million Hits Visitor, FREE!
2. Scroll terus kebawah sampai pada format Sign Up Now For Free
3. Klik link yang ada disana secara berurutan dari 1 s/d 6 untuk mendapatkan code ads nya , kemudian tunggu sebentar sampai kodenya muncul.
4. Jika kodenya sudah muncul, misalnya AD CODE #1: 61484 , nah kode yg 61484 di copy dan simpan di format berikutnya seperti form dibawah ini, awas harus sesuai jika kode untuk no.1 maka simpan juga di kotak code for ad 1, begitu seterusnya .
5. Setelah semua kode dimasukan , baru mengisi data yang diminta, seperti Nama, Email, Text untuk Iklan, Website Url dan password. Setelah itu baru klik SUBMIT ..
6. Buka email untuk verifikasi dan klik link yang diberikan.
7. Nanti akan ada kata2 Congratulations! kemudian klik here pada You can login to your new members area here.
8. Buka Email lagi untuk mengambil user id , password dan link url yang bisa digunakan untuk promosi dan login ke member area ( simpan user id dan passwordnya , karena nanti mungkin kita gunakan lagi.
9. Login ke member area lihat linknya sudah ada disana .. disini juga bisa merubah teks iklan , melihat down line serta mengambil kode marketing tools seperti code banner dan text line.
10. Selanjutnya terserah anda… tinggal promosi saja , seperti pasang banner atau text link , karena semakin banyak yang daftar melalui link kita tentu semakin banyak pula visitornya kan gitu …
Ok!!! Semoga Bermanfaat!!

Investasi 10 Rb Menghasilkan Ratusan Ribu

Heran???????Jangan heran karena ini memang benar-benar ada di Indonesia. Program yang beralamatkan di atau di, adalah dua program yang siap membantu dan mengantarkan Anda menuju kehidupan yang lebih baik. Hanya bermodal uang Rp 10.000 (sepuluh ribu rupiah) saat pendaftaran lalu Anda inveskan ke kedua program di atas, saya jamin Anda bisa merubah uang modal Anda menjadi ratusan ribu atau bahkan jutaan rupiah. Anda bisa ikut kedua program di atas atau salah satu. Uang Rp 10.000 cocok untuk semua kalangan masyarakat bukan???

Disini tugas Anda hanya perlu mempromosikan link url Anda yang diberikan oleh kedua program di atas. Ya minimal Anda ajak 10 orang rekan-rekan Anda, lebih banyak lebih bagus. Bagaimana jika Anda sulit untuk melalakukan promosi?? Jangan berkecil hati, karena kedua program di atas menggunakan sistem randomize, yang mana dipastikan setiap member yang bergabung akan mendapatkan member. Tapi alangkah baiknya Anda juga ikut membantunya dengan mempromosikan link url Anda. Dibawah saya sertakan software yang bisa mempromosikan link url Anda ke SERIBU lebih pengiklan.

Disini ada banyak keuntungan jika Anda bergabung disini:
1. Merubah uangmodal 10 Rb menjadi ratusan ribu rupiah.
2. Mendapatkan tips-tips meningkatkan PR
3. Software-software yang membantu dalam submit web atupun iklan Anda.
4. Ratusan E-Book yang siap menuntun Anda menuju kesuksesan.
5. Dan masih banyak lagi.
Tertarik???????? Buruan gabung di atau di www. Jangan sampai lewatkan kesempatan emas ini. Dijamin uang komisi hasil penjaringan akan mengalir ke rekening Bank Anda.Lumayan kan komisinya buat nambahin uang saku Anda........
Daftar Disini Untuk BCA Peduli
Daftar Disini Untuk Investasi BCA